Figure 1. Retrieved from

Consider how you would curate your social media with a critical public audience.

Curating social media includes being selective in choosing what kind of sources to post, making sure they are all relevant, organized and correct. If they are wrongly chosen, they can turn into fake news which will rapidly damage your reputation in your PLN. Solution for that is applying media literacy practices or skills to critically analyze and filter various types of media. With media literacy education ,curating your social media with a critical public audience is much easier.

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

“Takes a lifetime to build reputation and a heartbeat to break it.”

Jody Vance

I really like Jody Vance definition on social media that “social media complicates things and at the same time exposes your strengths” (19:40-19:50). She shared in her interview really fascinating stories of how she built connections through simply volunteering in the beginning of her early career path that helped her to build meaningful PLN (7:40-8:00). She benefited from the foundation of her network and was mainly open to the connections which in the future became her important support and protection from facing risks since now she is a big public figure in Canada. Therefore, we can conclude that connection is key and building strong connections with reputable people you can do even through simply volunteering and being open on social media. In general, to answer this question I can bring one of the real life examples I have seen my friends lawyers do is keeping their account private and not posting provocative posts. Each of their posts is brainstormed and has supporting sources.

Consider how to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy?

One of the great advices that Jody Vance offered was to have a line and avoid passing this line. That is being diplomatic and using political approach. I believe politicians are the best at responding to negative replies and critiques. Being a public figure will always require to face negative replies and critiques regarding your personal values. If you are careful with your words but at the same time authentic of being yourself you can able to successfully address negativity.

You have to be 100% you and you have to own who you are

Jody Vance

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict, why does this happen?

Julie Smith highlights Familiarity backfire effect, when we have thousand of choices but we tend to choose sources that confirm our opinions and thoughts. She mentions, it is rarely that we choose sources we are disagree with.(19:00-20:00). She explains how social media and news sources feed us with what we want, and Julie Smith also talks about it, explaining “news is a business and it is not in public service”.

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

One of the best benefits of having PLN is protection of your digital identity and also having wise opinions. Julie Smith tells that healthy perspective from objective voices can provide you with rational guidance when you are lost (13:00-13:30).


Smith, Julie. “EDCI 338 – MEDIA LITERACY with JULIE SMITH.” YouTube, uploadedby MILLER, 6 June 2021,

Vance, Jody. “Jody Vance Media Voices.” YouTube, uploaded by MILLER, 6 June 2021,