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As International Student, reading recent news about discovery of remains of First Nation’s children in Kamloops, and 751 unmarked graves at formal residential schools in Saskatchewan, as well vehicle attack(terrorism) in London, Ontario made me realize that again we have failed as humans. There are many words that have been said but not many actions have been done to solve these serious issues and in this time, social media can be a powerful tool to bring awareness that racism, inhuman treatments and ignorance still exist.

After listening to the Brad Baker’s interview, I noticed first thing he emphasized was building a healthy community. And he is completely correct, healthy community creates stability and safety for the current and future generations. His motivation to build it, comes due to his concern about grandchildren and constructing safe environment for them. To help him with this, he uses his PLN and social media to bring awareness and teach people not only within his community but also around the world.

Education occurs in so many environments beyond the classroom, how does social media help expand education and associated needed communications?

I believe due to Covid, social media has taken over almost all educational fields making the process of learning easier such as studying digitally online through new innovative tools and applications. We can say social media in that sense has became not only a place for entertainment but also a place for improving your self growth. There are a lot of websites such as Udacity or Coursera, which let a student to pick ands study various of classes online. You can gain all of these skills in a few months and this is the power of social media, which one of the ways of expanding education. Another example could be an Instagram or TikTok, where nowadays bloggers offer countless programs to fit your needs. I personally have taken so many online programs during this time such as my Psychology degree at UVIc using Brightspace, gym exercises through Instagram bloggers, nutrition courses for my healthy diet, yoga and mediation exercises to keep myself mentally healthy, singing and French classes through the skype. Almost all of these knowledges I have gained were done through the research I have made in social media and my PLN.

– Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares, how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in discourse?

PLN is a powerful circle that gathers a group of educators, who exchange and share their skills as well help to spread valuable information to the world. As Brad Baker’s mentions it, PLN helps Indigenous voice to publicly share their stories and part of the advantages of PLN is bringing an authentic source to social media. Listening an information from the second and third hand loses its initial meaning and truth, thus PLN allows real story to be told (7:40-7:59). Using second and third sources are one of the disadvantages of PLN, since every individual has different words to explain an event or story. Sometimes some people from PLN, who have stronger reputation in the community are given priority to share an information publicly but their interpretation of the information might not be completely uncovered and correct.

– How does the use of PLN raise awareness opportunities?

As it was mentioned earlier, PLN is a circle of educated professionals, who exchange very helpful information that could help you a lot to grow in your career path or just generally improve to expand your mindset and increase knowledge. With these acquired knowledge, you gain great perspective of what is happening in the world or simply in your community and what many individuals do, they share these valuable information in the social media by bringing awareness. Simple example of current event around Indigenous community and their difficulties they are daily facing, Brad Baker highlights to share more about Indigenous Culture and their beautiful and big history. With sharing culture, storytelling, traditions and educating people, community becomes stronger and people become less ignorant.

Sweetest Kulu
by Celina Kalluk, Alexandria Neonakis

A lyrical lullaby imbued with traditional Inuit beliefs

– What is the role of social media in education – whether it be classroom or community discourse?

In general, the role of social media is so broad and functional, starting from helping teachers for students to stream live lectures, creating blogs for group discussions, bringing awareness to people who do not have same views and access to the information. Nowadays, younger generation learned to grasp people’s attention by using art such dancing, singing on camera and painting to teach their audience about current events. Incorporating their various skills for better purpose is a smart move and social media is a great helper for it.

– What are some problems or risks to consider with social media communications when discussing topics that may be uncomfortable but reflect needed change?

Facing challenges require to be vulnerable.

Brad Baker

He mentions in order to speak about something negative he has  to become more vulnerable when discussing sensitive issues. I love that approach as it shows to the social media how sincere and real you are. Being to true to yourself and using proper and diplomatic language, knowing media literacy will greatly help you in discussing sensitive topics.


References Baker, Brad. “Brad Baker EDCI 338”. Youtube.Com, 10 June 2021, 3:00-15:50, Accessed 18 June 2021