Personal Learning Network

Based on Rajagopal et al, network connects us to other professionals to support our self-growth, career and increasing knowledge (2012). We gain knowledge with our peer by exchanging info and interacting with them. Networking using social media such as LinkedIn helps not only individuals to find desired connections and career path but also various organizations to look for specific employee or business partners. PLN is a type of network that has been constructed by a person to help her with building professional portfolio (Rajagopal et al, 2012). Based on Boyd, having control on privacy is almost impossible and frustrating.

Digital Identity

Based Eric Stoller’s video on digital identity, it is your virtual representation of you and your activities. Everything you post and share is saved on web, your treatment toward other people and generally social activity this is all is digital identity. It is interesting of him to call digital identity as a footprint on the web, which is primarily true since it is difficult to erase or delete all your past activities on social media. Therefore, it has advantages and disadvantages because your past action on social media such as tweets or blogs can easily affect your reputation online. It is crucial to have a very reputable and clean digital identity, as it can help you professionally in your career field (Stoller, 2016).

Social Media Networks

Having Social Media can be incredibly useful and helpful if you know how to use it. As above authors mentioned, digital identity is your portfolio that either open you a door to the new opportunities or closes it due to your incorrect posts on social media. Knowing how to use social media networks can help to recognize which sources are fake and which ones are not. It also increases your awareness of what is happening around the world. One complication of holding social media profiles is your level of privacy, and how much you let people to know about you. Nowadays, individual’s location can be tracked from anywhere using their social media. Therefore, sharing your private information should be carefully posted.


Rajagopal, K. (2012). Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them | First Monday. University Of Illinois Libraries, doi:10.5210/fm.v17i1.3559

Stoller, Eric – What is Digital Identity? (2016, November 25). YouTube.